construction site time lapse
There are many types of what we call DIY time-lapse camera systems, it’s stated that you could use these type of time lapse cameras on a construction site. Example camera manufacturers include GoPro, which we see more as an action camera. Brinno, which is a little similar to GoPro, the Brinno camera is OK, but there is no remote monitoring and the max resolution is full HD, this is just 1080p resolution. In this post, when we ask, what is the best camera for construction site time lapse, we are comparing an IP camera and a DSLR camera. We have deployed both on small and large construction sites, we hope you find our feedback useful for your own time lapse project. Two Technologies for construction sites – IP & DSLR camera.

A canon dslr camera is a good choice for construction sites. This system is the most powerful. A canon 2000d captures sharp images in 24 Mega-Pixels.

IP camera systems are the most cost-effective. If your construction project requires a max of 4K resolution, this system is the best option.
IP camera for time-lapse at construction sites
The primary functionality of an IP based Network camera is Video Surveillance, also known as CCTV. IP stands for Internet Protocol, the IP camera runs on an open network and can be accessed and viewed remotely. If your construction project needs only a max of 4K resolution, then the IP camera option, is probably the best construction site time lapse camera. An IP camera is designed to be out in the field for years, most carry a 3-year warranty. There is no extra housing required, the camera is self-contained in an IP66 body and mist on a housing lens is not a problem. The biggest limitation to the IP camera is resolution. As mentioned, most construction time lapse applications requite only 4K. However, some sites require more megapixels, the maximum resolution we offer is 12MP in a 4000 x 3000 4:3 aspect ratio. We can go higher in the IP range, but then the buy price is a little too much. For time lapse construction projects that require 18MP-24MP, we then offer our DSLR solution.
DSLR camera for time-lapse at construction sites
Unlike the IP camera, using a DSLR for time lapse at construction sites has a little more complexity. A DSLR camera is not designed to be out in the field for months and even years. This is not to say it can’t be, it just means there is more work in regard to making sure it can. Here at Burgess, we design and build our own remote DSLR camera systems for time-lapse, when we say there is more work, that work is carried out by our engineers in-house. When we send the DSLR time lapse camera system out, it’s outdoor ready, network ready and fully pre-configured. Going back to our question – What is the best time lapse camera for construction sites ? It comes down to your own requirements. If you want less maintenance, the IP camera is the best solution, but what if the project was for months and not years, then the DSLR time lapse camera would be the best choice. If you were happy with 4K 8MP resolution, then it’s the IP. When you need more megapixels and better quality, then it’s the DSLR.
When we consider what is the best time-lapse camera for construction sites, post-production is a very big factor. Throughout the construction project, the main use of captured camera images, is remote viewing and checking in on the project. An IP based time lapse system is perfect for web-viewing. Most people view images on a laptop or PC in 1080p full HD resolution. We also have to consider post-production. Many filmmakers or end clients just run the images through a film making software. Some filmmakers would prefer to do more in post-production. A film does look more professional if you add zoom and motion features. If you zoom into a 8MP image (from the IP camera) it will not remain as sharp if you zoomed in on a canon 24MP image. Therefore, if you plan on doing more work and adding more features in your final time lapse film, then the DSLR system is the best time lapse camera for construction sites.

Above is our 5G remote DSLR kit installed at a lorry park in Stoke on Trent.
Costs of the best camera for construction sites
Your budget and how much you have to invest in a system is a big factor on choosing the best time-lapse camera for a construction site. IP based time-lapse cameras are the most cost-effective option. Also, and as mentioned above in this post, the more money you invest, the more mega-pixels you can utilize.
- The online price of a 5G 4K IP time lapse camera is around £1500
- The online price of a 5G 24MP DSLR time lapse camera is around £2000
(trade discounts are available).
The DSLR construction site time-lapse system includes a Canon 2000d, which is a 24MP camera. There is an option to just buy the Remote DSLR Kit, with no camera included. This is a great option for Media and production companies, who own their own Canon DSLR cameras.
Best time-lapse camera for construction sites - Costs
Your budget and how much you have to invest in a system is a big factor on choosing the best time-lapse camera for a construction site. IP based time-lapse cameras are the most cost-effective option. Also, and as mentioned above in this post, the more money you invest, the more mega-pixels you can utilize.
- The online price of a 5G 4K IP time lapse camera is around £1500
- The online price of a 5G 24MP DSLR time lapse camera is around £2000
(trade discounts are available).
The DSLR construction site time-lapse system includes a Canon 2000d, which is a 24MP camera. There is an option to just buy the Remote DSLR Kit, with no camera included. This is a great option for Media and production companies, who own their own Canon DSLR cameras.
Easiest to install ?
There is no real difference, when installing an IP or DSLR based camera system. Both power on POE – Power Over Ethernet. This is standard for IP cameras, but not so much for a DSLR cameras. Here are Burgess Technologies, we have created our own DSLR time-lapse POE solution. This means you can power the entire DSLR system on a data cable.
Installation snapshot for both systems
- Plug the cellular networking box into power, this could be 12V Battery and Solar, 110V and standard mains power.
- Mount the camera (IP or DSLR) to a pole or wall. If you are mourning direct to a wall, you could use a satellite dish type of pole mount.
3. Join the box and camera together with a cat5e data cable.
All burgess systems are true out of the box, plug and play solutions. There is no configuration to do, before or during the installation. Our cameras ship remote engineer ready. This is like having an actual technical hand on site to help with any final adjustments.
If you’re looking for the most cost-effective solution, then an IP camera based camera is the best for construction site time-lapse. If you have a little more money to invest, then we say a remote DSLR camera is the best option to deploy.